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Angkor Thom ("Big Angkor") is a 3 kilometer square walled and moated royal city and was the last capital of the Angkorian empire. After Jayavarman VI recaptured the Angkorian capital from the Cham invaders in 1181, he began a massive building campaign across the empire, constructing Angkor Thom as his new capital city. He began with existing structures such as Baphuon and Primeanakas and built a grand enclosed city around them, adding outer wall/moat and some of Angkor's greatest temples including his state-temple, Bayon, set at the centre of the city. There are five entrance gates to the city, one for each cardinal point and the victory gate leading to the Royal Palace area. Each gate is crowned with four giant faces. The South gate is usually the first stop on a tour, leading directly from Angkor Wat.



At Bayon Temple















Tep Pranam - a giant seated Buddha made of sandstone blocks which is still a place of worship



Entrance to Baphuon



Looking back down the entrance path to Baphuon






The uppermost level of Baphuon






View from the Terrace of the Elephants



Terrace des Elephants



Terrace of the Leper King











Entrance to Preah Palilay














Temple-fatigue beginning to set in!